26 March 2010

Danish words I've learned so far

Hai- 'hi'
hai hai- 'bye'
Tak- 'thanks'
De vas a litz- 'you're welcome'
Ro- 'ass'
Skol- 'toast/ prost/ ganbei'
Slagter- 'butcher'
Dansk- 'Danish'
McDonalds- 'McDonalds'
Is- "ice cream"
God- "good"

Neun- "nude"

There's a story about the neun- a german came and asked a Danish girl on a date. She agreed, and he wanted to set the date for 9pm. He asked "kommst du neun?" She was offended and said no. He was confused and asked "Halb neun?" It got worse :)

And of course I can't pronounce any of the words correctly. When I say 'ro' I sound like a dog barking instead saying ass. Damn it lol

1 comment:

  1. Surprised you haven't learned to ask where the restrooms are. I had a foreign language teacher in HS that told us that this is the first thing to learn whenever you are abroad. lol
    Keep practicing. You may eventually get it right. :)
